
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dog Silhouettes

We LOVE our dogs. I even talked all about them for a whole post. One day I was perusing Pinterest and came across this:

Silhouette onto encyclopedia paper

I thought this was so great. Our dogs are beautiful.

And yet I felt weird putting pictures of just them up in our home, so this was a way to do that in a unique, vintage, fun way!

The silhouettes are printed on encyclopedia paper. How awesome it that?! So first I went to our local thrift store to get an encyclopedia. The frames I wanted to use were 8x10 so I needed a large encyclopedia. I also wanted to find one that had entries related to the dogs that I could print the silhouette on that would be visible. So I looked through the encyclopedias trying to find pages with words related to dogs where the entries were on the outside edges-- so that when I printed the silhouette it would be visible. You will see what I mean later. :)

Next I took pictures of the dogs. It was difficult to get a profile of them, so the hubs had to hold treats for them to look at while I took the pictures.

I then uploaded them to Photoshop Elements and figured out how to make the background disappear (magic eraser I think) and then made the silhouette image black. Then I did a few practice printing runs so I could get it the right way on the page. I printed Coop's silhouette on a page about a dog and Zoe's on a page with the love entry. The hubs had the awesome idea to put little cardboard initials I had on their respective pictures. And now they look awesome!

 I hung them on either side of our entryway shelf and smile every time I look at them.

Maybe you have a dog... or another animal? and can make this to enjoy! It is such an inexpensive, easy, and unique way to show love for the 4-legged members of our families!

1 comment:

  1. We totally had professional pictures done, with our puppy, and she actually got a couple of pictures of him by himself sitting on this sweet child's chair. It turned out super cute, and we love it! Love your silhouettes :)
